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 Inglés tesauro
tfr abbr.
abrev. transfer
abrev., electr. forward recovery time
tfr. abbr.
estados. transfer
TFR abbr.
abrev. Texas Folklife Resources; top of frame; Total Follicular Response
abrev., avia. Temporary Flight Restrictions; temporary flight restriction (MichaelBurov); total fuel remaining
abrev., burs. Tefron, LTD.
abrev., dep. Team Falcon Racing; Too Fast Racing
abrev., electr. thin-film resonator; token-ring fiber repeater; transaction formatting routine; transfer register; transfer-restricted (signal)
abrev., electr., cient. Terrain Following Radar
abrev., ingl.brit. Territorial Force Reserve
abrev., inmunol. transferrin receptor (iwona)
abrev., IT transfer restricted
abrev., marc. The File Room
abrev., med. treatment-free remission (Adrax)
abrev., micr. thin-film resistor
abrev., mil. Time From Receipt; Total Fertility Rate; Trouble/Failure Report
abrev., petról. time-frequency representations; tubular flow reactor
abrev., tec. terrain following radar
abrev., transp. Time To Fly Right
abrev., ópt. tightly folded resonator
meteorol. transfer of control message
mil. tank ferry raft; terrain-following radar; total final report; trouble and failure report
tec. television film recorder; transfer function response; tunable frequency range
TfR abbr.
abrev. transferrin receptor (igisheva)